Monitoring agricultural landscape changes in Denmark: Combining fieldwork data with classified LIDAR imagery to achieve a basis for analysing long term change trajectories

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During the last decade we have seen a shift from land cover and land use surveys based principally on fieldwork and aerial surveys, to methodologies based completely or primarily on combinations of remote sensed imagery. This development has fostered great advances in terms of spatial coverage and temporal resolution. It has also meant that the range of phenomena and attributes being mapped are less varied. Monitoring efforts have in some cases become more deductive, more closely associated with the particular technologies used and narrower or perhaps more precise in scope than was the case when in situ fieldwork was the dominant methodology. This raises a number of questions related to the way in which information on land use and land cover are combined in current monitoring projects, what role fieldwork methods should play and on what grounds traditional field-based time series data can be combined with current methodologies. In this paper the question of translating between and combining traditional fieldwork methodologies with remote sensed data is discussed on the basis of a comparison of data from Denmark for the period 1986 to 2015. In situ inventory maps of a stratified sample of 25 Danish rural landscapes was collected in 1986, 1991 and 1996 as part of the national small biotope monitoring system. In 2008 and 2014 land cover maps at a similar scale were developed, based on a combination of remote sensed LiDAR data and field scale land use data from administrative registers (the DanCover maps). On this basis a time series of landscape change for the entire period was constructed for selected areas. In addition, a single sample area was mapped using field methods in 2008, making it possible to directly compare the two datasets for the same area and year. Tendencies in the data are outlined and it is discussed how and on what grounds accurate comparisons can be made between the two types of data and what this implies for future research.
Publikationsdato5 sep. 2016
StatusUdgivet - 5 sep. 2016
BegivenhedPermanent European Conference for the Study of Rural landscapes: Mountains, Upland, Lowlands - European landscapes from an altitudional perspective - Insbruck and Seefeld, Østrig
Varighed: 5 sep. 20169 sep. 2016


KonferencePermanent European Conference for the Study of Rural landscapes
LokationInsbruck and Seefeld

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