Money, Method and contemporary Post-Keynesian Economics

Sheila Dow (Redaktør), Jesper Jespersen (Redaktør), Geoff Tily (Redaktør)

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This volume concentrates on contemporary Post-Keynesian contributions in money, method and economic policy. Post-Keynesian economics shares with Keynes the ambition of understanding the economy as a whole and as an integrated part of society. The book begins by analysing money, banks and finance as dynamic phenomena, followed by chapters focusing on methodological themes such as uncertainty, longer-term issues, sustainability and other non-monetary economic activities.
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
Antal sider208
ISBN (Trykt)9781786439857
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781786439864
StatusUdgivet - 27 jul. 2018
NavnNew Directions in Modern Economics

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