Mobility Management for Businesses - A contextual analysis: Master Thesis

Clement Nicolas Guasco

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskning


    There is today an undisputed superiority of cars on any other means of transportation, both practically and psychologically. However, the increasing reliance on cars as main means of transportation has led to a number of social and environmental problems linked to the emissions of CO2 and pollution, congestion, accident and life-style related diseases. This Master thesis looks at the concept of Mobility Management as a solution to mitigate car-use when least necessary. Mobility Management focuses on how to manage mobility choices of the population in order to promote alternatives means of transportation so that they use alternative means of transportation instead of their cars. The current challenge is to introduce this policy within the social practices in Denmark. This master thesis studies the possibility to use businesses as a vector for the introduction of Mobility Management into the daily home-to-work trips, while promoting the development of a knowhow and a market. In order to evaluate this approach, a detailed case study of a company having implemented Mobility Management has been conducted. The main results are that avoiding the costs of constructing new parking infrastructures was a triggering factor of the project, while its incorporation into the CSR of the company could lead to the desired continuity of such a policy. Those results are in accordance with the English experience in pointing at parking problems as potential triggering factors for the financial participation of the company. However, because of the increasing pressure put by the Danish Government on CSR for large companies, this situation may change in the coming years and include Socially Responsible Investments as triggering factor.
    ForlagRoskilde Universitet
    Antal sider92
    StatusUdgivet - 2011

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