Microplastics: What Can We Learn from Clastic Sediments?

Kryss Waldschläger*, Muriel Z.M. Brückner, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Christopher R. Hackney, Tanveer M. Adyel, Olubukola S. Alimi, Sara L. Belontz, Win Cowger, Darragh Doyle, Andrew Gray, Ian Kane, Merel Kooi, Matthias Kramer, Simone Lechthaler, Laura Michie, Tor Nordam, Florian Pohl, Catherine Russell, Amalie Thit, Wajid UmarDaniel Valero, Arianna Varrani, Anish K. Warrier, Lucy C. Woodall, Nan Wu

*Corresponding author

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Microplastics research has gained momentum in the 21st century but lags behind the long-standing research on clastic sediment. An interdisciplinary review paper was conducted, comparing microplastics with natural sediments in terms of particle properties, transport processes, sampling techniques, and ecotoxicology. The paper identifies seven research goals to enhance our understanding of microplastics in freshwater environments while learning from sediment research. This extended abstract presents the core message of the review paper, emphasizing the need to improve descriptions of microplastic particles, understand their transport processes, develop standardized sampling methods, and study their ecotoxicological effects. The research goals outline specific tasks to achieve these objectives and emphasize the importance of comparing microplastics to sediments to gain insights into their toxicity. Addressing these research goals will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of microplastics and their impact on freshwater ecosystems. For detailed insights, the original paper should be consulted.

TitelProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2023
NavnSpringer Water
Vol/bindPart F1637

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