Microplastics: Addressing ecological risk through lessons learned

Kristian Syberg, Farhan R. Khan, Henriette Selck, Annemette Palmqvist, Gary Thomas Banta, Jennifer Daley, Larissa Sano, Melissa Duhaime

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There is a growing concern over the ecological risk of microplastics (MPs) from regulators, the scientific community and public. intensive use has led to a widespread distribution of plastics in the aquatic environment, where a significant part is present as MPs, referring to plastic particles with a diameter < 5 mm. The apparent magnitude of the problem calls for quickly developing sound scientific guidance on the ecological risks of MPs. In this study we suggest future research into MP risks should be guided by lessons learned from the more advanced and better understood areas of (eco)toxicology of engineered nanoparticles and mixture toxicity. Finally we proposed an expansion of the understanding of vector effects to include three levels of vector effects
TidsskriftEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)4389-4397
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2015

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