Mapping translational activities of clinician-scientists in hospital departments of Region Zealand

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


The paper presents empirical insights into translational pathways and the role of clinician-scientists in different hospital departments in Region Zealand. The study is explorative and guided by three research questions: 1) How are differences between scientific research and clinical practice viewed and dealt with in daily work practice of clinican-scientists? 2) What characterizes translational activities among clinician-scientists? 3) What factors enable or hinder clinician-scientists from participating in or facilitating translational activities?

Data collection, semistructured interviews with clinician-scientist, will take place January-May 2018. Interviewees will be sampled from a completed research evaluation of all departments in Region Zealand, where departments engaged in research and translational activities have been mapped. An explorative, thematic analysis will be carried out using NVivo. Field notes from meeting participation and analysis of relevant organizational documents will supplement the analysis.

Results include a) an overview and typology of the interviewees own understandings and examples of translational activities in their respective departments, b) an analysis of the profile and boundary spanning role of a clinician-scientist, c) analysis of exemplary situations where possible tensions and differences between science and clinic are succesfully negotiated and translational pathways are mediated. In conclusion, theoretical and methodologcial perspectives for understanding the uncertainty and complexity of translational pathways will be discussed.
Publikationsdato29 maj 2018
StatusUdgivet - 29 maj 2018
BegivenhedNordic Implementation Conference: Joining the forces of implementation - Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Copenhagen, Danmark
Varighed: 28 maj 201830 maj 2018


KonferenceNordic Implementation Conference
LokationRadisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel

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