Management of the Political Enterprise in the Service of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Cosmopolitan Society: Integrating Ethical Values-Driven Management in the Politicization of the Corporation

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This chapter proposes to analyze the theory of the political enterprise with focus on the concept of ethical values-driven management in the contemporary debate on the politization of business in service of sustainability in cosmopolitan society. By service of cosmopolitan society of the political enterprise the chapter investigates the idea of the political enterprise as being a responsible political, ethical, and social agent with focus on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are required to justify its mission and role in society as a political actor that makes a different for its social and political community. The company is embedded in a social and political order with a diversity of political values, and the discussion about the meaning of the concept of values-driven management is therefore fundamental if one is to analyze the concept of the political enterprise in service of the Sustainable Development Goals.
TitelFuture Advancements for CSR and the Sustainable Development Goals in a Post-COVID-19 World
RedaktørerAndrea Pérez
Antal sider17
ForlagIGI global
ISBN (Trykt)9781799880653 (hbk), 9781799880660 (pbk)
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781799880677 (ebk)
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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