Making space for faith: Interfaith initiatives in Denmark

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In Denmark, the instigation of interfaith initiatives has been motivated by increasing religious diversity resulting from processes of immigration, globalisation and secularisation during the last twenty years. In this respect, interfaith initiatives aim at countering the challenges ascribed to this development, and as in other Scandinavian countries, they continue to rely upon an active civil society, with the Lutheran majority church playing a key role as intermediary (Galal et al. 2018). I argue that interfaith initiatives in Denmark are making inclusive spaces for faith by gathering and producing spaces of alliance between people of different religious backgrounds. By analysing how interfaith work strategically occupies or inhabits particular places through the gathering of distinct bodies, I show how interfaith initiatives relocate religion and religious diversity in three different relocations: in public streets and squares, in places of worship and in places usually considered free from religion. The result is a reconfiguration of spaces for religion that encourages new alliances, not only across religious differences, but also between believers and non-believers through the appearance of religious bodies in unexpected places.

TitelThe Interfaith Movement : Mobilising Religious Diversity in the 21st Century
RedaktørerJohn Fahy, Jan-Jonathan Bock
Antal sider17
ISBN (Trykt)9781138606302
ISBN (Elektronisk)9780429467769
StatusUdgivet - 2019
NavnSocial Movements in the 21st Century: New Paradigms

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