Leveraging voice: What does academic video offer?

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingsForskningpeer review


This paper speculates on how researchers share research without diluting our credibility and how to make strategies for the future. It also calls for consideration of new traditions and practices for communicating knowledge to a wider audience across multiple media platforms. How might we researchers improve our practices and how could digital online video help offer more positive stories about research and higher education? How can academics in higher education be better to tell about our research, thereby reclaiming and leveraging our voice in a post-factual era?
As higher education continues to engage with digital and networked technologies it becomes increasingly relevant to question why and how academics could (re) position research knowledge in the digital and online media landscape of today and the future.
The paper highlights methodological issues that arise in relation to the use of digital online video in research communication in particular the researcher's positioning vis a vis the representation of knowledge. A spectrum of positioning possibilities for the researcher on video is proposed – as facilitator, storyteller, and/or dialogist. The spectrum is seen as related to genre and is accompanied by a taxonomy of “academic video” genres and review of exemplary online publishing venues for academic videos. A methodological toolbox with considerations on planning and producing research communication on video is presented.
The discussion concerns the methodological and ethical challenges of addressivity on the part of researchers as well as answerability in terms of audience reception.
TitelAudiences2030 : Imagining a Future for Audiences. Book of Abstracts
Publikationsdato28 sep. 2017
AnsøgerConsortium on Emerging Directions in Audience Research
StatusUdgivet - 28 sep. 2017
BegivenhedAudiences 2030 - Catholic University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Varighed: 28 sep. 201729 sep. 2017


KonferenceAudiences 2030
LokationCatholic University of Lisbon
AndetThe conference – attended by close to 140 participants from 23 countries – was sponsored by CEDAR which was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK, in association with the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, the Audience and Reception Studies section of ECREA and YECREA.<br/><br/>The conference was organised by CEDAR’s Director Ranjana Das and co-director Brita Ytre-Arne, along with an excellent local organising committee at Portugal – Ana Jorge, and Sonia Pereira with Ines Amaral, and CEDAR colleagues David Mathieu and Ines Amaral doing excellent work on the programme.

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