Learning territories: Situating, embodying and metamodelling problems

Kristine Samson, Christina Louise Zaff Juhlin, Anja Mølle Lindelof

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In recent years, arts and humanities have witnessed a material, affective and embodied turn. Not in its subject field, but rather in its methodological and theoretical framings of problems. In the fields of arts and humanities, art and embodied forms of knowing are increasingly becoming a mode of enquiry that challenges rationalistic and representational modes of enquiry. In the 1-year project ‘Situated knowledge and material practices’ we have explored how problems are addressed, framed and formulated in learning situations when they are approached through embodied forms of inquiry. Drawing from the emerging theoretical and practical field of research creation especially as it is practiced in various Universities in Canada, this article seeks to understand how situating and embodying learning affect problem-orientation and problem-oriented learning. The article - and the research project of which it is part - contributes to research related to problem-oriented learning as it is conducted at Roskilde University, Denmark.
TidsskriftJournal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education
StatusUnder udarbejdelse - 2023

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