Learning from experiments: Exploring how short time-boxed experiments can contribute to organizational learning

Sidsel Lond Grosen, Kasper Edwards

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This study investigates how short time-boxed experiments (STBEs) offer opportunities for organizational learning. The STBEs in the study were part of a research and development project aiming to improve the psychosocial working environment at workplaces in the Danish financial sector. The STBEs focused on identifying manageable starting points for working with complex problems through micro changes. In these processes, employees and team leaders gained experience of specific micro changes and processes of evaluation and adjustment of actions and they developed new routines.
Based on the double diamond model of design thinking, a method for developing and conducting STBEs was developed during six experiments. The experiments were evaluated through qualitative group interviews focusing on participants’ experiences with the STBEs. Qualitative material developed as part of the experiments and the evaluations was then analyzed with a focus on potential organizational learning.
The study finds that STBEs offer a flexible framework for organizational learning by promoting conversion of individual experiences to collective knowledge and organizational learning through the experiments’ development of new routines. The study also finds that an understanding of experience informed by the German concept of ‘Erfahrung’ stresses the importance of involvement for advancing organizational learning.
The study describes the development and conceptualization of STBEs as an applicable form of experiment, with perspectives for achieving organizational learning and micro changes.
TidsskriftJournal of Workplace Learning
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)96-112
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 17 jan. 2024

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