Laboratory scale photobioreactor for high production of microalgae Rhodomonas salina used as food for intensive copepod cultures

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Microalgae are essential feeds for many cultured molluscs, larvae of marine fishes, crustaceans as well as other important live feeds including rotifers, Artemia and copepods (Muller-Feuga, 2000). Microalgae are grown either in open culture systems (ponds) or closed systems (photobioreactor - PBR). There is an increasing interest in using closed PBRs for algae cultivation since this culture system provides a better control of cultivation conditions and enables higher algae productivity. Among the marine microalgae, the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina is one of the optimal feed for copepods (Støttrup and Jensen, 1990; Zhang et al., 2013). Despite the benefit of using R. salina in cultivation of copepods, to our knowledge, there is no report on the production of this microalga at industrial scale to supply sufficient food for mass production of copepods. We intend to conduct the basic tests on a laboratory scale PBR and upscale in the next phase. In the present study, R. salina was cultivated in laboratory scale tubular PBRs (2 × 45 l) for 18 to 30 days where the growth, biochemical composition and production of R. salina were recorded.
Publikationsdato20 okt. 2015
StatusUdgivet - 20 okt. 2015
BegivenhedEAS40: European Aquaculture Society - Rotterdam, Holland
Varighed: 21 okt. 201523 okt. 2015



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