Knowledge Catcher: on the performative agency of scholarly forms

Connie Svabo, Julie Bønnelycke

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Knowledge is co-constituted by the forms in which it is developed and communicated. Methodological and epistemological designs determine which knowledge performance sequences are correct, which positions can follow each other, and which steps can evolve into another combination. The article directs attention to the performative agency of scholarly forms and engages in playful, emotional knowledge enactments, where the mood of the reader and the sentiment of the researcher form part of the ontological choreography. With the introduction of a ‘Knowledge Catcher’ the habitual format for engagement is challenged through the creation of space-time wormholes connecting reader and writers in a co-performance of knowledge.
TidsskriftPARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 24 apr. 2020

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