Iron as a precursor of aggregation and vector of organic carbon to sediments in a boreal lake

Simon David Herzog*, Viktoriia Meklesh, Margarida Soares, Ulf Olsson, Per Persson, Emma Sofia Kritzberg

*Corresponding author

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While organic matter (OM) interactions in the water column prevent iron (Fe) precipitation and sedimentation, Fe also acts as a precursor of aggregation and a vector of OM to sediments. This study aims to characterize Fe–OM interactions to understand the role of Fe in promoting aggregation and transport of OM. Samples of Fe and OM were collected from water, settling material, and sediment along a gradient starting from the inlet and continuing offshore within a boreal lake. Fe speciation was determined using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), and the chemical composition of OM was assessed using Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT IR) and Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The results show a decrease in Fe and OM concentrations in the water column with increasing distance from the inlet. Winter sampling revealed a shift in Fe speciation from dominance of organically complexed Fe to an increase in Fe(oxy)hydroxide, accompanied by a loss of aromatic and carboxylate function of OM. Summer sampling revealed no significant changes along the gradient, with Fe(oxy)hydroxide and carbohydrates dominating the water phase. Interestingly, settling particles and surface sediments were dominated by Fe(oxy)hydroxides and aliphatic OM. We propose that phototransformation may be an important process that influences the interaction between Fe and OM and, as a consequence, their fate along the spatial gradient. Our study suggests a photochemically induced loss of carboxylate groups, reflected by an increased carbohydrate-to-carboxylate ratio along the gradient, particularly in winter, and generally lower levels during summer. Loss of carboxylate function promotes the formation of Fe(oxy)hydroxides, which in turn, facilitates the aggregation and sinking of OM, particularly aliphatic components. These insights contribute to a broader understanding of carbon cycling and storage in lakes. Future studies should assess the significance of photochemical processes to OM burial and it how may change given trends in Fe and OM in northern regions.
Udgave nummer12
Sider (fra-til)1533-1552
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2024

Bibliografisk note

The original online version of the article has been updated as an author ‘s name was spelled Viktoriia Mekelesh instead of the correct form which is Viktoriia Meklesh.


  • Boreal lake
  • Carbon cycling
  • Fe–OM interactions
  • Iron (Fe) speciation
  • Organic matter (OM) composition
  • Photochemical processes

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