Introduction: Populism and Democratic Defence in Europe

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This chapter introduces the political context, theoretical starting point, and main arguments of the book Democratic Defence as Normal Politics: Everyday Opposition to Populist Parties in Multilevel Europe. In recent decades electoral success has transformed populist parties from a class of political pariahs into an integral part of Europe’s governing apparatus. The impact of populist success for liberal democracy in Europe is complex and varied, as are the normative implications of such challenges. This new conjuncture raises questions about the nature of opposition to populist parties, including whether those who disagree with populist parties favour exclusionary repertoires typical of ‘militant democracy’, or ordinary repertoires considered ‘normal’ in liberal democratic systems? Drawing on analysis of data collected on opposition initiatives in Hungary, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Denmark, the book’s main argument is that opposition to populist parties is mostly, if not always, best conceived as Democratic Defence as ‘Normal Politics’. That is, while critical claims justifying acts of opposition often problematize populist parties as a threat to liberal democratic principles and values, but nevertheless favour repertoires of ‘normal politics’ against populist parties instead of the ‘exceptional’ or rights restricting instruments typically used against extremists.
TitelDemocratic Defence as Normal Politics : Everyday Opposition to Populist Parties in Multilevel Europe
RedaktørerAngela Bourne
Antal sider26
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Trykt)9783031604829 [hbk], 9783031604850 [pbk]
ISBN (Elektronisk)9783031604836
StatusUdgivet - 2024



  • Populism
  • Democratic defence
  • Opposition
  • Multi-level Europe

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