Intra-Organizational Tensions during Business Model Innovation

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StatusUdgivet - 2019
BegivenhedThe CICALICS Phd Academy and Workshop: Global Collaborative Innovation Systems - Current Trends and Probing for the Future - Sino-Danish Centre, Huairou, Beijing, Kina
Varighed: 20 aug. 201925 aug. 2019


WorkshopThe CICALICS Phd Academy and Workshop
LokationSino-Danish Centre, Huairou
AndetThe initiative of CICALICS (the China Innovation Circles and Academy – Learning, Innovation and Competence Systems) was built several years ago upon academia experience in Europe and North America. This year’s event will again be hosted by the Sino-Danish Center.<br/><br/>In 2016, the SDC hosted the CICALICS event in Beijing. Following the rotation principle, in 2017 and 2018 the event was hosted by our colleagues and friends at Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University respectively. This year the honor to host the event is coming back to SDC.<br/><br/>This year we would like to put more emphasis on the role of collaboration and globalization in innovation and focus this year’s CICALICS on the theme of:<br/><br/>‘GLOBAL COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION SYSTEMS – CURRENT TRENDS AND PROBING FOR THE FUTURE’<br/><br/>On the one hand, the recent advancements in technology have been giving more impetus to global collaborative innovation initiatives around the world. On the other hand, the sentiment towards openness and global engagement somewhat soured in recent years which also has implications for how various actors approach innovation. This fast developing context creates new dilemmas for managers and policy makers. Furthermore, it also has potential to offer new research avenues as well as may call for the refinement of the existing models. With this background in mind, CICALICS 2019 aims at discussing the current trends in collaborative and global innovation systems as well as probing for their future both from the research and practice perspectives.

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