Into the Era of shifts: How everything gets designed in an increasingly non-designed world.

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    Globalization and new communication technologies shape new increasingly unpredictable living conditions. Societies as individuals face a world og growing predictive impotence. Traditions loose their power as guides for maneuvering - where traditions was reflection will be. At the same time peoples biography replaces geography as 'social glue'. A new social grammer emerges. Cultural life become so dynamic as to be volatile. Society takes on the character of being an "Erlebnisgesellschaft". In this world virtually everything is constructed, formed, designed. Not just objects but also everyday life, life styles, experiences and sexuality. Even thougts and feelings.In the era of shifts we shall be living with ever more design in an ever less designed world.
    TitelShift : Design as usual – or a new rising?
    RedaktørerMonika Sarstad, Helen Emanuelsson
    Antal sider24
    ISBN (Trykt)91-85213-21-7
    StatusUdgivet - 2005

    Bibliografisk note

    Lars (Lasse) Dencik, Professor of Social Psychology. Director of the Social- & Cultural Psychology Program at The Danish Graduate School of Psychology.

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