Interaction between Nurses and Hospitalized Drug Users in Somatic Hospital Wards

Nanna Kappel

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskning


    Background: In spite of the fact that the Danish society has defined equal right of all citizens to contributions of the heath care system, groups of citizens feel stigmatized and do not experience easy access to the health care system.

    The purpose of this research project is to examine the understandings of the nurses which will contribute to the feeling of stigmatization of users of hard drugs when in contact with the health care system.

    By virtue of their profession and position nurses have a big influence on how citizens while admitted to hospital feel accepted and welcomed. Nurses are subdued rules and regulations when performing their task, but are also obliged to offer nursing of high quality to all patients. Drug users have high frequency of morbidity compared to other citizens. Due to their somewhat chaotic lifestyle they get severe infections, wounds, injection damages, and therefore advanced hospital care is necessary. Drug users have often bad experiences in their contact with the hospital system beyond these, experiences of conflicts during hospitalization and due to this they might postpone contact to the health care system. Apparently conflicts often break out when users of hard drugs are inpatients in somatic hospital wards.

    Aim: The project wants to enlighten the meeting between the drug user and the nurse in the hospital. Which roles do the nurses and the users carry and what will the meaning be of former experiences of the drug users of the health care system in the meeting with the nurse.

    Methods: The data collection will be performed during field observation combined with interviews and focused group interviews.



    Antal sider1
    StatusUdgivet - 2006
    Begivenhed4th Nordic Interdiscplinary Conference on Qualitative Methods in the Service of Health - Växjö, Sverige
    Varighed: 18 maj 200620 maj 2006


    Konference4th Nordic Interdiscplinary Conference on Qualitative Methods in the Service of Health

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