Integrated action planning for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of highland aquatic resources: evaluating outcomes for the Beijiang River, China

Bidragets oversatte titel: Forbedring af praksis og fremkomst af nye principper for integreret aktionsplanlægning for bevarelse af biodiversitet og bæredygtig anvendelse af akvatiske ressourcer i højlandsområder i Asien

Stuart W. Bunting, S. Luo, K. Cai, N. Kundu, Søren Lund, R Mishra, K. Smith, F. Sugden

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


Constraints and opportunities for action planning are critically reviewed based on outcomes from a multi-site study of highland aquatic resources in Asia. Action planning was used to engage stakeholders in joint assessment and decision-making to reconcile biodiversity conservation with sustainable use of wetlands in China, India and Vietnam. Practices to implement eight integrated action planning phases are described encompassing:
stakeholder assessment and partner selection; rapport building and agreement on collaboration; integrated assessment of biodiversity, ecosystem services, livelihoods and policy; problem analysis and target setting; strategic planning; planning and organisation of activities; coordinated implementation and monitoring; evaluation and revised target setting. An assessment of proposed actions was conducted using the DPSIR
framework and potential conservation and livelihoods impacts and prospects for sustainability assessed against key indicators. Principles for integrated action planning presented here could enable stakeholders to formulate plans for biodiversity conservation and wise-use of highland aquatic resources throughout Asia.
Bidragets oversatte titelForbedring af praksis og fremkomst af nye principper for integreret aktionsplanlægning for bevarelse af biodiversitet og bæredygtig anvendelse af akvatiske ressourcer i højlandsområder i Asien
TidsskriftJournal of Environmental Planning and Management
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)1580-1609
Antal sider30
StatusUdgivet - 21 jan. 2016


  • Beijiang River
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • China
  • DPSIR Framework
  • highland aquatic resources
  • integrated action planning

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