Insights on value co-creation, living labs and innovation in the public sector

Luis Rubalcaba*, Kirsty Strokosch, Anne Vorre Hansen, Maria Røhnebæk, Christine Liefooghe

*Corresponding author

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It has been applied in two streams of developing literature on public innovation and collaborative governance, and on value creation and the PSL. The authors compare the main differences between public service logic and public administration logic and highlight potential ways of bridging the two traditions when advancing the PSL. In short, this Special Issue has contributed to the public administration literature by providing new insights into value co-creation, living labs, and innovation in the public sector. Citizen participation in the planning, design, and delivery of public services has been of central interest for public administration and management scholars since the 1970s at least.
TidsskriftAdministrative Sciences
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)42-47
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2022

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