Innovation environments and innovation capacity in the public sector: Research Report no. 1 of the LIPSE Project (Work Package 1)

Bidragets oversatte titel: Innovationsmiljø og innovationskapacitet i den offentlige sektor: Hvad kan vi lærer om innovation i den offentlige sektor?

Jenny Lewis, Lykke Margot Ricard, Erik-Hans Klijn, Sanne Grotenbreg, Tamyko Ysa, Adria Albareda, Tony Kinder

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


Social innovation in the public sector has become an important focus for governments around the world over the last decade, as they try to solve intractable policy problems. The pressure on governments to do more with less in response to shrinking budgets and expanding community expectations and obligations has increased attention on how the public sector manages change and innovation. This heightened focus has created a need to understand the social innovation capacity of public sector environments. Work package 1of the LIPSE project on social innovation, examined this for four municipalities in different nations. Project funded by the 7th Framework Program of the European Union (N.320090), from work package 1 on the innovation capacity of innovation environments. The partners in this work package are Roskilde University (Denmark), Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands), ESADE Barcelona (Spain), and Edinburgh University (Scotland).
Bidragets oversatte titelInnovationsmiljø og innovationskapacitet i den offentlige sektor: Hvad kan vi lærer om innovation i den offentlige sektor?
Antal sider110
Rekvirerende organisationEuropa-Kommissionen/European Commission
StatusUdgivet - 3 dec. 2014


  • Innovation
  • Netværk
  • offentlig administration
  • offentlig forvaltning
  • offentlig ledelse
  • innovationsmiljø
  • sociale netværks analyser
  • innovation networks
  • Capability building
  • Capacity Building

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