Indexical Hybrid Tense Logic

Patrick Rowan Blackburn, Klaus Frovin Jørgensen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


In this paper we explore the logic of now, yesterday, today and tomorrow by combining the semantic approach to indexicality pioneered by Hans Kamp [9] and refined by David Kaplan [10] with hybrid tense logic. We first introduce a special now nominal (our @now corresponds to Kamp’s original now operator N) and prove completeness results for both logical and contextual validity. We then add propositional constants to handle yesterday, today and tomorrow; our system correctly treats sentences like “Niels will die yesterday” as contextually unsatisfiable. Building on our completeness results for now, we prove completeness for the richer language, again for both logical and contextual validity.
TitelAdvances in Modal Logic
Antal sider16
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-84890-068-4
StatusUdgivet - 2012
  • Indexical Hybrid Tense Logic

    Klaus Frovin Jørgensen (Foredragsholder)


    Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentationForedrag og mundtlige bidrag


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