Incompatible Images: Asthmatics' Non-Use of an E-Health System for Asthma Self-Management

Michel J. Sassene, Morten Hertzum

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    This chapter investigates asthmatics' reasons for not adopting an e-health system for asthma selfmanagement. An understanding of these reasons is particularly relevant, because clinical evidence indicates that, if used, such systems lead to better asthma management. The investigated asthma system is, however, based on a taken-for-granted image of asthmatics as, per se, striving to be symptom-free. This image is incompatible with interviewed asthmatics' day-to-day performances of their asthma, and renders invisible (a) that their asthma performances emphasize an economy of good passages and of feeling capable, (b) that they achieve the objective of feeling capable in quite different ways, and (c) that feeling capable does not per se equal being symptom-free all the time. To attain long-term use of self-management systems and other patient-centred e-health systems, such systems must acknowledge and link into the manifold performances that comprise users' ways of living with their disease.

    TitelPatient-Centered E-Health
    RedaktørerE. Vance Wilson
    Antal sider15
    UdgivelsesstedHershey, PA
    ForlagIdea Group Publishing
    ISBN (Trykt)978-1-60566-016-5
    StatusUdgivet - 2008

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