Ideational power and pathways to legitimation in the euro crisis

Martin Bæk Carstensen*, Vivien Schmidt

*Corresponding author

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How have European Union institutional actors sought to build, defend or undermine the legitimacy of crisis management during the euro crisis? Scholars have tended to investigate the euro crisis from either a pragmatic and prescriptive perspective – asking which reforms are necessary to build legitimacy in the governance structure of the Eurozone – or an analytical perspective focused on the power wielding of actors useful for understanding what actors have done and why they have been influential or not. The paper argues that rather than bifurcating the issues of legitimacy and power politics, much may be gained by investigating the relationship between legitimacy and power. Specifically, the paper employs the concept of ideational power to analyze the strategies through which actors have sought to defend their claims to three constitutive dimensions of legitimacy – input, output and throughput legitimacy – and proposes a matrix of nine pathways to legitimation that played into processes of legitimacy battles in the Eurozone crisis.
TidsskriftReview of International Political Economy
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)753-778
Antal sider26
StatusUdgivet - 2 nov. 2018
Udgivet eksterntJa

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