I can't get no satisfaction or can I?

Niels Nolsøe Grünbaum

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


Up till now satisfaction research has not focused on how B2B buyers form satisfaction judgments. This paper aims to focus on that, more specifically, how do buying center members evaluated their degree of satisfaction? How can the formation process of satisfaction be understood? How can the findings be applied for sales managers in B2B companies? Why are some companies consistently better at creating value and thus selling to B2B customers than other companies? A case study research strategy is utilized. The buying center members applied key dimensions to form the buying centers final satisfaction judgments. Moreover, the focus and importance of the identified satisfaction dimensions fluctuated pending on the phase of the supplier selection process. The results can be applied for selling companies to craft specific strategic marketing actions related to the supplier selection phase. Following the recommendations provided in the models in this paper will increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and improve sales. Moreover, the insights produced will make it possible for selling organizations to understand and create value for B2B customers facing a new task buying situation.
TidsskriftReview of Business Research
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)55-66
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2015


  • B2B satisfaction
  • Industrial organization
  • Organizationel Buying Behaviour
  • Case study
  • Profitability

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