Hybrid qualifications. Increasing the value of vocational education and training in the comtext of Lifelong Learning: Country report 2 Denmark. Views and experiences of stakeholders in relation to hybrid qualifications

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


    The aim of this second report is to present the results of an empirical study of the perceptions and views of the key stakeholders (teachers, learners, employers, policy-makers) in relation to hybrid qualifications (vocational and general qualifications). A special attention is given to the new hybrid programme, eux, established in 2010. In addition it is an aim to consider possible policy implications of the study and to present examples of best practice approaches for the realisation of hybrid qualifications.
    ForlagEuropean Commission
    Antal sider38
    StatusUdgivet - 12 sep. 2011
    BegivenhedHQ seminar in London 2011 - London, Storbritannien
    Varighed: 7 jul. 20117 jul. 2011


    SeminarHQ seminar in London 2011
    AndetLeonardo Project

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