title = "Hybrid Logic",
author = "Torben Bra{\"u}ner",
note = "Substantive revised edition (First published Tue Jun 13, 2006; substantive revision Wed Dec 22, 2021) The latest version of the entry {"}Hybrid Logic{"} (substantive content change) is not yet archived and may change before it is archived in the Spring 2022 edition. You should, if possible, wait for the Spring 2022 archived edition of the Encyclopedia to cite this version. Fixed editions of the Encyclopedia are created and archived every three months, on the 21st of September (Fall), December (Winter), March (Spring), and June (Summer). If you need to cite the current version before the Spring 2022 edition is available, then please use the following format (but note, again, that the Spring 2022 Edition may vary from the current text if further corrections are made): Bra{\"u}ner, Torben, {"}Hybrid Logic{"}, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2022/entries/logic-hybrid/>. ",
year = "2022",
language = "English",
isbn = "1095-5054",
editor = "Zalta, {Edward N.}",
booktitle = "The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy",
publisher = "Stanford University",
edition = "Spring 2022 Edition",