Hvad sagde vi! ...om "De Andre". Den udlændingepolitiske debat i Folketinget 1961 - 1999

Lars Jørgensen

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandling


    This PhD.-dissertation has investigated the political debate on immigration-, refugee and integration policies in Denmark between 1961 and 1998. Focus has been on parliamentary debates and the main purpose has been to clarify the development of attitudes among the political parties towards the concept of integration of ethnic minorities and discuss how these changes affected the actual policies. The theoretical approach concentrates partly on how the political system in Denmark works on various levels, and partly on mainly cultural studies of the encounter between ethnic minorities and the labour market system of the Danish welfare state. The concept of political culture in Denmark is investigated and it is argued that there exists a historically dependent and particular Danish notion of the relations between State, Nation and the People. This notion has influenced the ways issues of integration policy have been debated through the selected years. Among other things this particu...
    ForlagRoskilde Universitet
    Antal sider339
    ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7349-700-5
    StatusUdgivet - 2006

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