How Are Distributed Groups Affected by an Imposed Structuring of their Decision-Making Process?

Anders Lorentz Lundell, Morten Hertzum

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    Groups often suffer from ineffective communication and decision making. This experimental study compares distributed groups solving a preference task with support from either a communication system or a system providing both communication and a structuring of the decision-making process. Results show that groups using the latter system spend more time solving the task, spend more of their time on solution analysis, spend less of their time on disorganized activity, and arrive at task solutions with less extreme preferences. Thus, the type of system affects the decision-making process as well as its outcome. Notably, the task solutions arrived at by the groups using the system that imposes a structuring of the decision-making process show limited correlation with the task solutions suggested by the system on the basis of the groups’ explicitly stated criteria. We find no differences in group influence, consensus, and satisfaction between groups using the two systems.
    TitelProceedings of the IndiaHCI2011 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
    Antal sider7
    ForlagAssociation for Computing Machinery
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-1-4503-0729-1
    StatusUdgivet - 2011
    BegivenhedInternational Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2011: 3rd India HCI conference - Bangalore, Indien
    Varighed: 7 apr. 201110 apr. 2011


    KonferenceInternational Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2011


    • Distance collaboration
    • structured decision making
    • anchoring
    • virtual group

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