Global Connections: Multiple Modernities and Postsecular Societies

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For some time now, the concept of multiple modernities has been a key paradigm in the social and political sciences, not least via the work of Shmuel Eisenstadt. More recently, the notion of ‘postsecularity’ has likewise gained terrain, championed by a whole series of flagship figures, including of course Jürgen Habermas. This edited volume brings together these two crucial debates. It does so by, first, identifying and engaging with a series of analytical dimensions pertaining to the post-secularity/modernity nexus, programmatically outlined in the introduction by the two editors, Massimo Rosati and Kristina Stoeckl, and, second, by following through with the multiple modernities/post-secularity discussion in the country-based case studies that follow.
TidsskriftPlurilogue - Politics and Philosophy Reviews
StatusUdgivet - 15 jul. 2013

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