Getting beyond the sustainability vision: Experiences from the Øresund Region

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In a Scandinavian context many urban governments have for several years put forward visions for reductions in emissions and adaptions to climate change. Within urban planning the practical experiences with integrating sustainability visions in new urban development and urban regeneration projects are still growing. Research and practice in the field note that in order accomplish higher degrees of sustainability there is a need for an integrated planning approach for addressing social, economic and environmental challenges in ways that in the same time remains sensitive to the needs of particular urban areas (Holden 2012, McCormick et al 2013). Though experience show that visions are far from effectively integrated across policy areas and that urban planning practice remain divided into different sectors. These issues form some of the central objectives the Interreg project Urban Transition Oresund that aim to propose new methods and ways of collaborating for a sustainable transformation and involves urban planners and researchers from Swedish and Danish municipalities and universities . Following an action research perspective to knowledge production (Nielsen & Nielsen 2006, Nolmark et al 2009) I see this temporary and interdisciplinary organizational structure as an arena for social learning and collaborative reflection. On the basis on experiences from my engagement in the project and drawing on the theory of Wengers ‘communities of practice’ (Wenger 1998) and the field of collaborative planning I’ll critically discuss how to conceptualize and operationalize a situated and practice-oriented learning perspective. Further I’ll suggest how it may help the planners to engage in collaborative processes of urban sustainable development.
Publikationsdatomaj 2014
StatusUdgivet - maj 2014
BegivenhedRethinking Sustainability : New critical and cultural horizons - University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Kelowna, Canada
Varighed: 1 maj 20143 maj 2020


KonferenceRethinking Sustainability
LokationUniversity of British Columbia, Okanagan

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