Geoeconomics in a changing global order

Milan Babic, Adam D. Dixon*, Imogen T. Liu

*Corresponding author

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This introductory chapter presents an overview and summary of the focus of this edited volume. We first discuss the contribution of the chapters to a more nuanced and novel way of studying geoeconomic dynamics from an IPE perspective as going beyond the classical geopolitical focus on conflict, state-centrism, and security issues. We then embed the volume in broader changes of globalization from the neoliberal era into a more confrontative phase since 2016. The third part of the introduction then interrogates the role of the EU in this changing global order and makes the case for studying this sidelined actor in contemporary discussions about geoeconomics. The fourth and last part introduces the different chapters in detail and lays out the plan of this book.
TitelThe Political Economy of Geoeconomics : Europe in a Changing World
RedaktørerMilan Babić, Adam D. Dixon, Imogen T. Liu
Antal sider27
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Trykt)9783031019678
ISBN (Elektronisk)9783031019685
StatusUdgivet - 2022
NavnInternational Political Economy Series


  • Geoeconomics
  • Globalization
  • Post-neoliberal
  • Geopolitics
  • European Union
  • International political economy

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