Gender Quotas in Politics: Popular, but contested - also among feminists

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


Everywhere gender quota proposals stir heated debates between opponents and proponents. Nevertheless, gender quotas in politics are now in use in more than half the countries in the world ( Among the opponents, we find misogynists and traditionalists, who want to send women back to the kitchen, but also many, among them modern neo-liberals, who believe that gender equality must come by itself without state intervention.
However, also some feminist voices are critical to the adoption of gender quotas, but not for the same reasons.
In this essay, I will try to identify feminist worries about gender quotas in politics. We are used to analyze feminist arguments for gender quotas and contrasting them with traditional arguments against quotas. However, which are the main worries of feminist opponents? I will show how some worries are shared by feminist opponents and proponents, others not.
TitelRównouprawnienie : Ksiega jubileuszoma dla Profesory Malgorzaty Fuszary
RedaktørerAnna Krajewska, Marta Rawluszko
Antal sider16
ForlagWarszawa University Press. Wydawnictwa Universytetu Warszawskiego
ISBN (Trykt)9788323555001
ISBN (Elektronisk)9788323555162
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Festskrift til professor Malgorzaty Fuszary, Warszawa Universitet. Udgivelse på polsk med enkelte bidrag på engelsk, inkl. mit


  • gender quotas
  • feminist opposition
  • politics
  • transformative?

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