From the families we choose to the families we find online: media technology and queer family making

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Since the mid-2000s, a number of Western countries have witnessed an increase in the number of children born into ‘alternative’ or ‘queer’ families. Parallel with this queer baby boom, online media technologies have become intertwined with most people’s intimate lives. While these two phenomena have appeared simultaneously, their integration has seldom been explored. In an attempt to fill this gap, the present article explores the ways in which contemporary queer reproduction is interwoven with online media practices. Importantly, the article does not understand online media as a technology that simply facilitates queer kinship; rather, it argues that online media technology is a reproductive technology in its own right. Drawing on empirical examples of media practices of kinning, such as online shopping for donor sperm and locating ‘donor siblings’ via online fora such as Facebook, the article analyses the merging and intersection of online media and queer kinship. These analyses serve as a foundation for an exploration of contemporary kinship and the development of a new theoretical framework for contemporary queer reproduction. Empirically, the examples are from single women’s (i.e. solo mothers) and lesbian couples’ family making. Using Weston's work on ‘chosen families’ as a backdrop for discussion, the article describes families of choice in light of new online kinship connections. In particular, the article focuses on online-initiated connections between donor siblings and how such connections can re-inscribe biology as important to queer kinship. Furthermore, it closely examines how media technology guides queer reproduction in particular directions and how technology causes becoming as a family.

TidsskriftFeminist Theory
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)12-29
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information: This work was supported by the Independent research fund Denmark (grant number ‘Sapere Aude DFFForskningsleder’, 4001-00229B).

Important note regarding the attached version of the article: This article should be reffered to as: Andreassen, R. (2022). From the families we choose to the families we find online: media technology and queer family making. Feminist Theory.


  • Donor families
  • Facebook
  • LGBTQ + families
  • media technology
  • reproduction

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