From humanitarianism to human rights: Reflections on a Danish-Ethiopian aid model

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    The chapter is a critical enquiry into 'aid models' as currently used by donor agencies and the implications for local aid workers and beneficiaries when the aid model, together with concepts and buzz words, are changed by 'top' management. The chapter examines the particular case of an aid programme in Ethiopia that incorporates seven NGOs, is funded by the Danish bilateral agency (Danida), and has moved from a focus on food security to livelihoods and then to human rights.
    TitelAid impact and poverty reduction
    RedaktørerSteen Folke, Henrik Nielsen
    Antal sider30
    UdgivelsesstedNew York
    ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
    ISBN (Trykt)1403971765
    StatusUdgivet - 2006

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