From antagonists to allies? Exploring the critical performativity of alternative organization

Sine Nørholm Just, Christian De Cock, Stephan Schaefer

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In this introduction to the special issue on critical performativity and alternative organization we provide a brief historico-theoretical sketch of the key concepts involved and point to ongoing pertinent debates in the field of critical management studies. We also present the articles included in the issue, which all explore aspects of how critical performativity and alternative organization may cross-fertilize each other. In doing so, this collection of articles provides interesting critical vantage points outside of the usual empirical and theoretical haunts of organization and management studies.
TidsskriftCulture and Organization
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)89-97
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2021


  • critical performativity
  • critical management studies
  • Alternative organization

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