Financialisation of the Built Environment in Stockholm and Copenhagen

Anders Lund Hansen, Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Adam Grydehøj, Eric Clark

Publikation: Working paperForskningpeer review


This paper investigates financialisation of built environments in Stockholmand Copenhagen, especially within the sphere of housing. It presents empiricalanalyses of processes of financialisation of built environments in the two cities, and how these processes relate to urban politics and governance. The case studies include analyses of how financialisation of built environments and associated shifts in urban politics have impacted on the social geographies of these two capital cities. The Stockholm and Copenhagen cases are presented as individual case studies. A comparative analysis including broader conclusions from these studies and a related case study (of Ankara, in a separate working paper) will be the subject of a sequel working paper.
Antal sider82
StatusUdgivet - 1 sep. 2015
Udgivet eksterntJa
NavnFESSUD Working Paper Series

Bibliografisk note

EU FP7 Research Programme Financialisation, Economy, Society and Sustainable Development (FESSUD)


  • financialisation
  • built environment
  • housing
  • urban governance
  • social geography

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