Fathers on Parental Leave in Denmark

Kenneth Reinicke, Franz Wilhelm Cybulski, Lea Vedel Drews, Bo Wagner Sørensen

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    In the article it is argued that contemporary fatherhood and masculinity differ increasingly from hegemonic masculinity according to which men are primarily responsible for ensuring the financial basis of the family. The article “Fathers on Parental Leave in Denmark”, based on interviews with 15 Danish men and 8 employers, shows that many men’s ideas about fatherhood and family responsibility tend to revolve around such aspects as close contact and involvement with children. However, it seems that men do not acknowledge fully the significance of gender for their decisions concerning the child, parental leave and domestic affairs. The article also demonstrates that the issue of parental leave may cause a conflict of interest between an employer and en employee although the majority of employers in this study emphasize that parental leave is unproblematic for them.
    TitelMen and Fatherhood : New Forms of Masculinity in Europe
    RedaktørerArturas Tereskinas, Jolanta Reingardiene
    Antal sider32
    UdgivelsesstedVilnius, Litauen
    ISBN (Trykt)9955-682-35-3
    StatusUdgivet - 2005

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