Fate and effects of fragrance material on the deposit feeder, Capitella teleta

Lina Dai, Henriette Selck, Daniel Salvito, Valery E. Forbes

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskningpeer review


Fragrance materials (FMs) have been used ubiquitously at low concentrations in perfume, cosmetics, detergents etc. The primary pathway into the aquatic environment is down-the-drain on a continual basis. Most published papers about FMs are concerned with the polycyclic and nitro musks. Acetyl cedrene (AC) was used as a model compound in the present study because of its hydrophobic property and thus the high potential of AC to sorb to particles in the water column and subsequently accumulate in aquatic sediment to a high concentration. Sediment-associated AC may therefore pose a high risk to deposit feeding organisms.
Capitella teleta (formerly Capitella sp. I) is a common inhabitant of polluted sediment (e.g., near waste water outlets). The population density of this species is highly organic matter dependent, and more than 400,000 individuals per m2 have been observed in areas with high organic matter content in the sediment. Therefore, We used 3 worm densities (C. teleta of the same age at 0, 44,000 and 88,000 individuals per m2), sediments with different organic matter content (4% and 2.7%) and AC spiked sediment (0, 50, 100 µg AC/g dw sed), to examine the fate of sediment-associated AC.
The presence of C. teleta significantly affected the fate of sediment-associated AC. After 14 days, more than 80% of AC had disappeared from the exposure systems with worms. C. teleta concentrated sediment-associated AC in fecal pellets to a high concentration relative to that in surrounding sediment (more than 11 times). The presence of AC in fecal pellets but not in worm tissue suggests either that AC is not bioavailable to C teleta or that this worm is able to biotransform sediment-associated AC (e.g., use AC as carbon source)
StatusUdgivet - 2010

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