Factors affecting e-Commerce adoption in Danish and Australian SMEs

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    This paper presents the results of a study investigating environmental, organizational and technological factors influencing adoption of electronic commerce in small and medium size enterprises in Denmark and Australia. A total of eight companies have been interviewd, four located in the area of Copenhagen, Denamrk and four in Brisbane area, Australia. The results show many interesting similarities and few differences between the two countries. For example, in both countries the external environment has an influence mainly through customer pressure and availability of ICT consulting services. The main organizational factors affecting e-commerce adoption in the two countries are the CEO and employees' knowledge and attitude. Finally a number of technology related factors affect e-commerce adoption in the two countries as for example the ability to stream information out to the clients or the possibility to offer online training.
    TitelThe social studies of Information Systems : A comparative distinction of Mediterranean Informations Systems
    RedaktørerGianni Jacucci, Emmanuel Monod, Ellen Christiaanse, Vincenzo D'Andrea, Fiorella De Cindio
    Antal sider14
    ForlagAssociation of Information Systems
    StatusUdgivet - 2006
    BegivenhedMediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2006 - San Servolo, Venice, Italien
    Varighed: 5 okt. 200610 okt. 2006
    Konferencens nummer: 7


    KonferenceMediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2006
    BySan Servolo, Venice

    Bibliografisk note

    Ada Scupola is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication, Business and Information Technlogies

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