Exploring Belonging and interconnections: Narratives from the Indian Diaspora

Rashmi Singla*, Sujata Sriram

*Corresponding author

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


The Indian diaspora, estimated at 30 million is one of the largest in the world (UN Report, 2019). Skilled Indians were invited to fill gaps in the labour market in Europe and the USA from the beginning of the second millennium. A psychosocial perspective on the Indian diaspora, from Denmark and the USA, is the focus of this paper.
The theoretical frameworks include diasporic subjective processes of dispersal, connectedness (Dufoix, 2008) and processes of multiple inclusion/exclusion and ambivalence about belonging (Kalra et al., 2005), along with the life course perspective (Levy, 2005). Transnational linkages between India (desh) and the Indian diaspora abroad (videsh) are explored. The empirical cases (Singla, 2008, 2015, Sriram, 2014) are based on qualitative- in-depth interviews with families and young people and diasporic couples in exogamous marriages. Some current transformations, especially related to digital interconnections are also included.
The narratives indicate changing paradigms about India, multiple belongings, differential engagement in the receiving society and India related to generational and couple formation patterns. There is a nuanced understanding of belongings and marginalities of Indian diasporics through multiple belongings involving ‘emotional citizenship’, ongoing negotiations at diverse levels, virtual interconnections and exclusion from various groups in the country of origin and the host country. Suggestions for promoting interconnections, communication and linkages between the Indian diaspora and India are delineated.
Key words:
Indian diaspora, interconnections, multiple belonging, inclusion/ exclusion, marginalities, promoting linkages
TitelUnderstanding Psychology in the Context of Relationship, Community, Workplace and Culture
RedaktørerSurendra Kumar Sia , Lauren S. Crane , Ajay K. Jain, Shabana Bano
Antal sider20
Publikationsdato25 aug. 2022
Sider17- 36
ISBN (Trykt)9789811926921
ISBN (Elektronisk)9789811926938
StatusUdgivet - 25 aug. 2022


  • Indian diaspora
  • multiple belonging
  • inclusion/ exclusion,
  • marginalities
  • promoting linkages
  • interconnections

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