Experiences and Non-experiences of Dilemmas

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Pedagogues rarely reported that they experienced dilemmas. What seem contradictory demands for outside observers are conceptualised by pedagogues as “problems” or simply as inevitable unnoticed circumstances. The contradictory demands were especially evident in contexts involving children with special needs and seemed to be intensified by lack of space or small 22 number of staff. Conversely dilemmas seemed to be reduced by outdoor activities or more staff. A significant finding was also, that pedagogues in principle value inclusion and community but in practice seem to choose a paradoxical strategy where individual children are separated from the group in order to include them.
Publikationsdato5 nov. 2012
StatusUdgivet - 5 nov. 2012
Begivenhed20th International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education - Days Inn, State College, USA
Varighed: 4 nov. 20127 nov. 2012


Konference20th International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education
LokationDays Inn
ByState College

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