Eurodrömmar i midsommartid: av Heidi Avellan

Ian Manners

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To make midsummer table neatest snaps:

Open the top of an empty milk tetra and set the bottle in it. Poke the flowers and leaves around the bottle and fill with water - snofsigast is to decorate with the same herbs that season brandy.

Set in the freezer.

When the water is frozen and it is time to serve ice block will melt a bit, then you can easily tear off the carton. And admire the frozen flower art, which also keeps the bottle chilled.

It was simple and cheap.

Now for the drink itself.

Purchased in monopoly? A parking lot near you? Or on the other side of the Sound or the Fehmarn Belt? In the first two cases will do Swedish kronor fine. In the last needed euros - which may soon be the currency already across the Öresund Bridge.

Denmark eagerly await the new impact of the four Danish exceptions came when the people said no to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992:

- Defense cooperation

- Judicial and police cooperation

- Euro

- Citizenship - was practically superfluous when the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997 ruled that EU citizenship is merely an adjunct to the national; often heard it only if three Danish exception.

The report was commissioned by the parliament's EU committee and developed at the Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS. It is ready, written and proofread. But, first published on June 30.

Which met with harsh criticism.

Conspiracy theories abound among Eurosceptics in the political field each flank. Enhedslisten and the Danish People's Party claims that the Europhile parties try to exploit the situation and put a lid on the debate on the future EU vote.

"It would be natural to publish it when it is finished. There is a report that we all are waiting for, "said Danish People Party EU spokesman Morten Messerschmidt recently news agency Ritzau.

But Ian Manners, coordinator at DIIS, is determined: it is just about to get the report printed. Meanwhile, no one will see it, the content is not known outside the small circle of scientists who developed it.

Not even the client may in advance.

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said to have ambitions. European ambitions. And lost the Danish exemptions improved his chances to be elected president, "EU President".

Hence the rush.

There may be an explanation. But the fact is that the exceptions survivors themselves.

The world has changed in the last fifteen years. After 11 september 2001 last terrorist hunt. The euro has spread across Europe - and in practice to make payments far beyond. The EU has grown to 27 members and now ratified another treaty.

Once the new report is expected to notice of a Danish referendum. That it will be in the fall, many believe, but the question is whether it applies to all exceptions on a board. The euro may be left out - that the issue is politically complicated.

Yet the crown firmly pegged to the euro. Danes draws not benefits of the euro, but also can not adjust the price of their own currency. And a recent poll shows that 47 percent want to change, while 45 want to keep the crown.

As for defense cooperation is a sincere desire for change - so that Denmark can participate in EU-led peacekeeping operations, not just the UN and NATO missions. Also, police cooperation in the fight against serious crime and terrorism is seen as state mode. This is one of the fastest growing areas of EU cooperation - and its citizens.

To stand outside doing Denmark paralyzed.

On Midsummer summit in Brussels discussed the impact of Ireland's rejection of the Lisbon Treaty. This is no place for it in Denmark: Berlingske Tidende think most politicians now hesitant about abolishing exemptions, but believe that it is urgent, so that Denmark can seriously take "responsibility for the development of liberty, prosperity, human rights and democracy in the world ".

The paper think that the Danish government after all be hit with a referendum - "time is not worse or better to wait."

Then Stockholm follow.

For dual largest conurbation is inflexible - not only in terms of liquor purchases. Stupid and expensive for us consumers. The only people who benefit from it are money changers and banks.

Let's add seven flowers under your pillow and dream of the euro.

Though any currency remains the trickiest question:

Aalborg, Absolute or OP Anderson?
Bidragets oversatte titelEuro Dreams in midsummer: by Heidi Avellan
AvisSydsvenska Dagbladet
StatusUdgivet - 19 jun. 2008
Udgivet eksterntJa

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