Employment and Unemployment

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The chapter first describes what a labour market is, the types of unemployment and welfare states’ policies with regard hereto. This includes what we know about Active Labour Market Policy (ALMP), including its effectiveness as well as compensation for those who are unemployed. The expected development in jobs specifically related to new technology is shown. Whether welfare states are prepared for these changes as a result of the more general changes in the labour market is analysed, including also the specific challenges arising from the tendency for stronger social pressures, among other things, to be caused as a result of the new platforms related to the labour market. Based on these discussions, the chapter considers what the future holds for jobs, including what opportunities there are for inclusive employment and whether there is a need to change the distribution of work, as well as the role of social policies mainly related to income transfers and training
TitelDe Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States
RedaktørerBent Greve
Antal sider15
ForlagDe Gruyter
Publikationsdato6 sep. 2022
ISBN (Trykt)9783110721249
ISBN (Elektronisk)9783110721768
StatusUdgivet - 6 sep. 2022
NavnDe Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences Handbooks

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