Employment and turnover in the transport and logistics sector in the STRING region

Göran Folke Serin, Markus Holzweber

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskning


This report is part of the project ‘Green STRING Transport corridor’. It is the second of two reports from Roskilde University department of ‘Communication, Business admini- stration and Information Technologies (CBIT). Povl A. Hansen wrote the first report: ‘The Green STRING Corridor and transport development’. The purpose of the first re- port was to analyse the conditions for European transport and logistics in the STRING region.

The purpose of this second report is to analyse the strength and competencies within the freight transport and logistics sector in the STRING region. This means basic conditions when analysing the possibilities of establishing a ‘Green Transport Corridor’. The analysis will take its point of departure in analysis of employment, turnover, firm structure and location within the freight transport and logistics sector in the STRING region.
ForlagRoskilde Universitet
Antal sider270
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7349-849-1
StatusUdgivet - 20 jun. 2013


  • Tranport
  • Transport by road
  • Freight forwarding
  • Employment

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