Elements of Experimental Work in the Upper Secondary School

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    The objectives for the Danish second year upper secondary school chemistry course are intended to contribute to a general understanding of science as well as to the preparation for university studies in science subjects. At the university, knowledge of the students’ entrance qualifications is important for freshman teaching planning. The practical work of 4 different classes has been characterised by studying laboratory exercise manuals. An estimate has been given of to what extent the qualitative goals for the practical work can be reached. An outline of elements of experimental work used to characterise freshman projects from this university has also been applied to the practical work according to the laboratory exercise manuals. The analysis reveals, not unexpectedly, that only introductory elements of experimental work has been trained.
    TitelPractical Work in Science Education : the Face of Science in Schools
    RedaktørerKirsten Nielsen, Albert Paulsen
    Antal sider9
    ForlagDanmarks Pædagogiske Bibliotek
    ISBN (Trykt)8777017331
    StatusUdgivet - 1999


    • Gymnasiekemi
    • Praktisk arbejde

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