Education in Radical Uncertainty: Transgression in theory and method

Bidragets oversatte titel: Uddannelse i en tid af radikal usikkerhed: Baudrillard som teoretiske og metodologiske udfordringer.

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskningpeer review


The book aims to revisit the writing of a renowned French philosopher and social critic, Jean Baudrillard and relate his work to the field of education, especially comparative studies of youth and schooling in different parts of the work. He is most known for his ideas of semiotic society, simulation and hyper-reality in which subjects become transformed by the breakdown of meaningful sign systems. In education, this has been understood via various imaginaries where students and teachers carry out educational functions that, whilst meaningful in themselves are disconnected from the stated aims of schooling. Media culture, mass consumption society and globalization are often viewed as forces or systems that disembody people from context and culture, creating alienation and disengagement. The book will certainly pick up upon these established ideas but take them further by elaborating students’ experiences and enactments of these conditions. In the process, we disrupt many of the hitherto (negative and simplistic) applications of his concepts to illustrate the ways in which global flows (e.g. media, technologies, ideas, educational practices) are experienced not only differently but with various degrees of enthusiasm, ambivalence, possibility and pain. In order not to speak for our research objects, the empirical work is open-ended and inviting: the reader must enter the field and relate it to his/ her own preconceptions, prejudices and desires.
Bidragets oversatte titelUddannelse i en tid af radikal usikkerhed: Baudrillard som teoretiske og metodologiske udfordringer.
ForlagBloomsbury Academic
Antal sider290
ISBN (Trykt)9781474298834
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781474298841 , 9781474298858
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2021
NavnNew Directions in Comparative and International Education

Bibliografisk note

Der er deadline på manuskriptet december 2017.
Bogen bygger på min disputats, Pædagogikkens Andet men er samtidig en bearbejdning af Baudrillard i forhold til det komparative forskningsfelt.


  • Baudrillard
  • Comparative education
  • Post-foundational thinking

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