Domestication of Difference: Practices of Civic Engagement among Middle Eastern Christians in Denmark

Sara Lei Sparre, Lise Paulsen Galal

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This article employs Hage’s concept of “domestication” as a lens for understanding how various forms of civic engagement among Coptic, Assyrian, and Chaldean Christian migrant communities in Denmark reproduce and contest a Danish model of citizenship, a particular construction of both the national subject and its Others. While churches are a primary place for civic engagement among Middle Eastern Christians as an ethnoreligious group, internally in the communities three modalities of civic engagement—serving, committing, and consuming—are practiced. Each produces different manifestations of citizenship because they engage with the local, national, and transnational differently. Christians of Middle Eastern origin are not publicly visible as political or activist groups as they, along with other immigrant groups, are expected to immerse themselves into the Danish model where ethnic and cultural differences are acknowledged but disregarded of their original context and its power relations.
TidsskriftMashreq and Majar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)103-126
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2021


  • Ghassan Hage
  • Chaldean Christians
  • Assyrian Christians
  • Coptic Christians
  • Denmark
  • domestication

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