Doing Good Parenthood in Early Childhood Education and Care

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This chapter examines collaboration between parents and ECEC professionals related to language development and literacy. It presents an analysis of how parents’ understanding of and experiences with their child becomes relevant when collaborating about care and learning. It uses a single case from an ethnographic research project in Denmark and employs social psychological discourse analysis to explore the negotiations about children’s care and learning, focusing on how parenthood is done. Parenthood is as a phenomenon that is accomplished collaboratively in and through social relations and institutions. The analysis is contextualized by referencing current welfare policies focused on early learning and parental responsibilities. The analysis shows how an approach to children’s learning may potentially standardize the collaboration about the child according to abstract evaluative criteria and frameworks, which marginalize parents’ perspective and experiences with their child and, furthermore, limits the agency of the parents. But the analysis also shows that collaboration may also render parents’ perspective on their children both relevant and valuable in ECEC.
TitelEducation, Parenting, and Mental Health Care in Europe : The contradictions of building autonomous individuals
RedaktørerNicolas Marquis
Antal sider14
ISBN (Trykt)9781032454788
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781003377207
StatusUdgivet - 2024

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