Doing a Dialogic Dance: Using Narrative and Visual Methods

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In this panel presentation and paper, I draw on personal experience regarding the challenges of facilitating visually-oriented workshops for students and professionals. I critically examine and reflect on my core beliefs and values as a researcher and my roots in dialogic communication theory, and phenomenological approaches to arts therapy.
A general characteristic of using visual methods is that they promote emergence and transformation of meanings. Typically, many associations and metaphors emerge and alter rapidly as people work collaboratively with images and stories in a workshop setting. My experience is that the use of visual and narrative methods is a dance with participants, which I conceptualize as a mutual meaning-making process that emerges in a specific context. In the discussion, I consider how I
try to develop a dialogic dance inspired by a dialogic understanding of empowerment and phenomenological approach to emergence.
TitelBook of Abstracts for CCCS 2013 Conference “Cultural Memory”
Antal sider2
ForlagCenter for Culture and Cultural Studies
Publikationsdato5 sep. 2013
StatusUdgivet - 5 sep. 2013
BegivenhedCCCS Annual Conference 2013 : Cultural Memory - Hotel Continental, Skopje, Makedonien
Varighed: 5 sep. 20137 sep. 2013


KonferenceCCCS Annual Conference 2013
LokationHotel Continental


  • dialogic communication
  • narrative
  • ethical issues

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